CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will meet in-person to hold its annual retreat and June meeting starting at 9 a.m. on June 15 and 8 a.m. on June 16.

The board will review information provided on public input on the proposed Math and Science standards, consider action on the collection of public input for the audited P.E., Health, Computer Science and Fine/Performing Arts standards, and consider the approval of school alternative calendars and accreditation recommendations.

The SBE will hear from Milken Award winner Jessica Kavitz , and Johnson County School District #1 will spotlight student programs and their parent liaison program. Additionally, presentations on implementation strategies for the Profile of a Graduate, including collaborations with communities and school districts, will be shared with the board.

The SBE retreat and meeting will be available to the public virtually. Register in advance to attend on June 15 here and June 16 here. After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Materials for board meetings are available on BoardDocs. For more the board’s website. Follow the SBE on Facebook and Twitter.

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Media Contact:
Diana Clapp
(307) 851-3478