CHEYENNE  – The Wyoming State Board of Career and Technical Education (SBCTE) met virtually on September 16, 2021. The board received a Perkins V quarterly report and heard from Wyoming Career and Technical Education (CTE) educators about their externship experiences.

Upon convening as the Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) the group reviewed recommended changes to Chapter 22 School Schedules and approved moving forward with rule promulgation. Changes included a definition of pupil-teacher contact time, the inclusion of Chapter 21 rules regarding alternative schedules, and adjusting the required number of instructional hours for middle and high schools.

The board also reviewed recommended revisions to the Fine & Performing Arts Standards, including five disciplines: visual arts, media arts, music, theater, and dance. The board approved releasing the proposed standards for educator and public input.

A comprehensive review of the Wyoming’s School Accountability System and updates on the status of all Wyoming Content and Performance Standards in review were provided to the board. The SBE directed the Health Standards Review Committee to identify where Suicide Prevention Awareness (SPA) can be incorporated in the standards, and adding language that focuses on the importance of suicide prevention awareness as a focus for all in schools and communities.

“From CTE to Health Standards, the state board is committed to being student-centered in our deliberations and decisions,” said SBE Chairman Ryan Fuhrman. “We are also excited to welcome Dr. Scott Thomas as the new ex-officio representative of the University of Wyoming.”

The next regular meeting of the SBE is scheduled for October 22, 2021. Meeting minutes and materials may be viewed through the board’s website. Follow the SBE on Facebook and Twitter.

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Media Contact:
Diana Clapp
(307) 851-3478