February 25, 2019

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) granted the Wyoming Cowboy ChalleNGe Academy (WCCA) full accreditation at its regular meeting in Cheyenne Friday. The WCCA, located in Guernsey, provides a safe, disciplined, and professional learning environment that empowers non-traditional learners (ages 16-18) to improve their educational level and employment potential and become responsible productive citizens.

The WCCA received its educational accreditation from AdvancEd, a national non-profit organization that accredits educational institutions based on standards of quality, in February 2019. Credits students earn while attending the WCCA will now be more easily transferable back to students’ home school districts and will count toward graduation. Of the 39 National Guard-sponsored ChalleNGe programs in 28 states, the WCCA is the seventh academy to gain full accreditation.

The SBE took public comments from several educators, parents, and students regarding the draft Computer Science Standards currently out for public input. Once adopted, school districts will have until the 2022-23 school year to implement the new standards into their curriculum, instruction and assessment system.

“We appreciate the effort of the Wyoming Department of Education to facilitate feedback on the Computer Science Standards,” said Chairman Walt Wilcox. “The voice of the public is very important to the state board and we value the input, as we find this an important topic for students, educators, as well as all Wyoming residents.”

In other business, the board elected officers for the next year. Walt Wilcox was re-elected as chair for a third year, Sue Belish was re-elected as Vice Chair for a third second year, and Max Mickelson was re-elected for a second year as Treasurer. Additionally, the SBE recognized board members Ken Rathbun and Scotty Ratliff for their service, as their terms end this month.

Milken Educator Award winner Chris Bessonette, with the help of his son Karsten, presented his work as a dual-language immersion teacher at Munger Mountain Elementary School in Teton County. The board thanked him for his work and service to Wyoming students.

The next board meeting is scheduled for March 21 in Casper with new board member orientation on March 20.


For more information, contact Kylie Taylor at (307) 777-6213 or kylie.taylor@wyo.gov.

Media Contact:
Dr. Thomas Sachse
(307) 752-1900