CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will host a virtual meeting starting at 9 a.m. on January 24, 2020 via the Zoom platform. The board will first convene as the Wyoming State Board of Vocational Education to receive an update on Wyoming’s Perkins V Plan, discuss related feedback, and consider action to approve the draft plan.

The board will reconvene as the SBE for several updates, including a presentation by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow on civics education and Boardmember Sue Belish will provide information on the coordinator search process. SBE Coordinator Dr. Tom Sachse will provide a report on several communications to entities outside the board, a draft Request for Proposal to evaluate the state’s accountability system, and two papers that address the Wyoming Attorney General’s recent opinion and addendum on state standards.

The board will receive reports from the Wyoming Department of Education on comments it received concerning Chapter 29 Rules regarding teacher evaluations, and comments about mathematics extended standards and science performance-level descriptors.

The SBE will also take action on a proposed change in graduation requirements at Sweetwater School
District #1, Chapter 29 Rules, and per diem for state board members.

There will be two opportunities during this virtual meeting for public comment on any board matter.

Members of the public may listen online via Zoom at, or by dialing (646) 558-8656 using access code 307-777-6213. The public also can follow the SBE on Twitter @WYStateBoardEd.

Materials for this meeting are now available on BoardDocs. The public may search or look back at previous meetings’ minutes and materials through the board’s website.

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Media Contact:
Dr. Thomas Sachse
(307) 752-1900