CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will meet starting at 8:30 a.m.on November 22, 2019, at the Natrona County School District #1 Central Services Board Room, 970 N. Glenn Rd. in Casper.
The SBE will first convene as the State Board of Vocational Education to hear an update from the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) on Perkins V, the federal funds focused on career and technical education.
In addition, the board will hear a report from board coordinator Dr. Thomas Sachse on the November Joint Education Interim Committee meeting.
The SBE also will consider taking action on Chapter 29 Leader and Teacher Evaluation System emergency rules and Chapter 10 rules for Computer Science standards. The board will discuss the formal opinion from Attorney General Bridget Hill on priority standards, so they can thoughtfully consider the implications for all state content standards.
Meeting materials, agendas, and minutes for SBE meetings are now available through BoardDocs. The public may search or look back at previous meetings’ minutes and materials through the board’s website.
All SBE meetings are open to the public; the public may join in person, online at Or dial (646) 558-8656 using access code 307-777-6213.
The public also can follow the SBE on Twitter @WYStateBoardEd.
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Media Contact:
Dr. Thomas Sachse
(307) 752-1900