Meeting moved to Albany #1 Board Room, 1948 Grand Avenue.
September 18, 2019
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will meet in Laramie on September 19-20 at the Albany County School District #1 Board Room,1948 Grand Ave. Both days are scheduled to run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The SBE will first convene on September 19 as the State Board of Vocational Education to hear an update from the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) on the progress of the Perkins Advisory Council to develop a plan for federal funds focused on career and technical education.
The board will hear presentations by Albany County School District #1 Superintendent Dr. Jubal Yennie and University of Wyoming College of Education Dean Dr. Ray Reutzel.
The SBE also will hear reports from board coordinator Dr. Thomas Sachse on the most recent Basket of Goods recommendations. Additional reports and discussions will occur surrounding the Board’s biennial budget, Wyoming’s district assessment system, Carbon #1 teacher evaluation system, civics education, and school accountability results.
The SBE will discuss and consider action on Chapter 29 Rules related to leader evaluation, Chapter 10 Rules on Computer Science Content and Performance Standards, as well as Chapter 3 Rules, that clarify the parameters under which school districts may seek an informal review of its annual school performance ratings.
Meeting materials, agendas, and minutes for board meetings are now available through BoardDocs. The public can still search or look back at previous meetings’ minutes and materials through the board’s website.
All SBE meetings are open to the public; the public may join in person, online at
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For more information, contact Aimee Patterson at (307) 777-8943 or
Media Contact:
Dr. Thomas Sachse
(307) 752-1900