April 15, 2019

CHEYENNE  – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will hold a full-day meeting in Riverton beginning at 8 a.m. on April 25, 2019 at the Fremont County School District #25 board room located at 121 North 25th Street. The SBE will first convene as the State Board of Vocational Education (SBVE) to hear an update from the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) and vote on the State Perkins V Transition Plan.

After adjourning the SBVE, the SBE will convene and will hear reports from board coordinator Dr. Thomas Sachse on administrative procedures parts two and three, legislative interim topics, “Basket of Goods” review committee, and an update on BoardDocs.

During their March meeting, the SBE took testimony from many individuals regarding the draft Computer Science standards encouraging the board to refine the standards to make them more accessible, especially at the elementary grade levels. The SBE voted to fund another two-day meeting of the Computer Science Standards Review Committee to consider revisions to the draft standards. The committee met April 8-9 in Lander. The SBE will receive the revised draft Computer Science Standards during its April meeting, take public comment, and consider advancing the standards to the formal rulemaking process. The WDE will present on a grant for SCRIPT Training, which includes support for school districts with Computer Science deployment and strategic planning.

The SBE also will receive an update from the WDE on the Certified Personnel Evaluation Systems, including leader and teacher evaluation. The SBE will take action on regular and emergency Chapter 29 Rules on Leader Evaluation.

The complete April meeting agenda is available here. All meetings are open to the public, who may join in person, online via the Zoom platform or may call in at 646-558-8656 using access code 452-354-8969.

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For more information, contact Kylie Taylor at (307) 777-6213 or kylie.taylor@wyo.gov.

Media Contact:
Dr. Thomas Sachse
(307) 752-1900