CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) Profile of a Graduate Design Team is meeting to continue its work on planning the processes for gathering public input for the first phase of the Profile of a Graduate project.

This project is intended to define the knowledge, skills, and attributes students should have when they graduate from high school. The design team is composed of representatives from various stakeholder groups including education, business/industry, government, elected officials, and parents.

The next virtual meeting of the design team is scheduled from 8:30 a.m.-noon on January 26, 2021. The meeting agenda may be found here. The public may join the  meeting via Zoom: with the Meeting ID: 923 8413 3046 or  dial: 720 928 9299.

“The purpose of the project is to take a step back and gather the wisdom and perspectives of all of the education stakeholders in determining what an ideal K-12 system should produce in terms of a Wyoming graduate,” said SBE Chairman Ryan Fuhrman. “We, as the State Board, want to make sure that our work and decisions align with the ideals of our state.”

Wyoming residents are encouraged to join the conversation now by posting their graduation photo to the SBE’s Facebook page and on Twitter with a comment about what it means to be a Wyoming graduate, using the hashtag #WYOgrads. When posting to Twitter, participants should tag the SBE @WYStateBoardEd.

For more information about the SBE and the Wyoming Profile of a Graduate work, visit

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Media Contact:
Diana Clapp
(307) 851-3478