CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) accepted alternative calendars for district schools, approved exceptions from the state accountability requirements, as well as adopted its meeting schedule for the 2020-21 academic year at its regular meeting on May 22.

The board first convened as the Wyoming State Board of Vocational Education to receive an update on Wyoming’s Perkins V Plan for Career and Technical Education (CTE) on the topics of requested revisions to the plan, funds allocations, and externships.

Discussion topics included definitions of state standards and how they will apply to Computer Science standards, as well as other subject areas. SBE Chair Ryan Fuhrman said the board plans to convene a group of educators from the Computer Science Standards Review Committee in June to create the Performance Standards to accompany the Content Standards that were approved in February. Public input will be collected on the work this summer.

Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) staff also presented the charter school annual report, which assures the board that students attending a charter receive the same opportunities and education consistent with other students in a district. The WDE also presented an update on the work of standards committees for Math, Science, Physical Education, and Fine and Performing Arts.

Prior to its May 22 regular meeting, board members held a special meeting on May 21 to hear a presentation on Redefining Student Success: Profile of a Graduate.

Susan Patrick, President and CEO of Aurora Institute, discussed a paper the Institute developed that was shared with board members regarding alternate pathways for acquiring high school diplomas, followed by examples from other states and nations. University of Wyoming Casper Dean Dr. Brent Pickett presented the UW expectations to be “college ready” in terms of both academics and “soft skills.” He also reviewed alternate pathways for achieving college success at the community college and university levels. The board will discuss the presentations, and possible outcomes, at its annual leadership retreat in July.

The board will next meet in June, at a date and time to be determined; the meeting will be virtual on the Zoom online platform. For more information about the SBE and its mission, visit and follow the SBE on Twitter and Facebook at @WYStateBoardEd.

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Media Contact:
Dr. Thomas Sachse
(307) 752-1900