February 2, 2017
Cheyenne – The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) will hold a regular meeting on February 13-14, 2017. The session will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, February 13 in the Basement Conference room of the Hathaway Building located at 2300 Capitol Avenue, Cheyenne.
State Superintendent Jillian Balow will share a brief update on the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE). The board will then have an in-depth discussion and action around the Wyoming State Assessment proposals and recommended vendor.
Legislative updates will be given by SBE coordinator Dr. Thomas Sachse, and Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) liaison Lisa Weigel. Reports will include a timeline with SBE duties, a policy regarding new member training, and the 2017 SBE meeting schedule. Status reports on Chapter 6 & 10 of WDE Rules, the Every Student Succeeds Act, and the digital learning plan will be presenting. Additionally, follow-up will be provided on the math standards review process and a discussion around a student board member will be facilitated.
On February 14, the board will continue its review of topics from the previous day and hear updates from SBE committees. Additionally, the board will take action on two Court Ordered Placement of Students facilities, consider adoption of presented SBE policies and elect new officers of the board.
The board will convene as the Wyoming State Board of Vocational Education on February 14, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. and hear updates from WDE career and technical education staff.
The complete SBE January meeting agenda is available here. All meetings are open to the public. You can join the meeting at https://www.gotomeet.me/WYOSBE, or dial (657) 220-3412, using access code 568-910-149.
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For more information, contact Chelsie Oaks at (307) 777-6213 or Chelsie.Oaks@wyo.gov.
Media Contact:
Thomas Sachse, Ph.D.